
Dr. Ieda M. Santos

Dr. Ieda M. Santos

Dr. Ieda M. Santos

Associate Professor and Program Chair of Graduate Studies


  • EdPh.D. in Education, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
  • Master Degree in Education, Massey University, New Zealand.
  • Bachelor of Education in School Supervision, Joinville, Brazil.


Dr. Santos is an Associate Professor at ECAE with more than 12 years of international experience in the education sector in Portugal, the UK and UAE.

Dr. Santos has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in education, education technology and research methods and has also served as the Research Office Program Chair, Graduate Office Chair, Division Head, and Chair of several Committees including Research and Ethics committees at ECAE.

Prior to joining ECAE in 2008, she worked at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, at the Multimedia and Distance Education Centre, and collaborated in national and international research projects related to technology integration in the classroom and online learning. In 2006, Dr. Santos coordinated a professional development program for the United Nations working alongside colleagues from the International Labour Organization and other countries.

Dr. Santos’s research interests include investigating technology integration in the classroom, teaching and learning practices in higher education using mixed methods approaches, with emphasis on qualitative methodologies. She has chaired and also served as a second member in doctoral dissertation committees. She has also mentored several graduate research projects, undergraduate action research and internship.

Dr. Santos obtained her Ph.D. in Education in 2008 from University of Warwick, United Kingdom. Her thesis focused on designing and implementing strategies that create and sustain online learning communities in higher education. In 1999, she completed a master’s degree in education with First Class Honors from the College of Education, Massey University, New Zealand.


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Research Journals

  • Santos, I. M., Menano, L. & Hakab, C. (2022). Teacher-Artist partnership framework within school makerspaces to foster students’ creativity. The International Journal of Art & Design Education. https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12439
  • Awad, N., Santos, I. M. & Nabil, A. (2022). Instructors’ perceptions of teaching online during emergency remote teaching: The case of a teacher education college. Journal of Educators Online. https://doi.org/10.9743/JEO.2022.19.3.4
  • Santos, I. M., Bocheco, O., Vizzotto, & Moro, E. J. (2021). Students as contributors: Undergraduates’ perceptions of mobile technology use and policies for the classroom. TechTrends, 65, 152-163.
  • Areepattamannil S. & I.  M. Santos (2019). Adolescent students’ perceived information and communication technology (ICT) competence and autonomy: Examining links to dispositions toward science in 42 countries. Computers in Human Behavior, 98, 50-58.
  • Santos, I. M., Bocheco, O. & Hakab C. (2018). Personal mobile technology in the classroom: Perceptions of usage and policies. Education and Information Technologies, 23,617–632.
  • Ali, N., Santos, I. M., & Areepattamannil, S. (2017). Pre-service teachers’ perception of quick response (QR) code integration in classroom activities. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1), 93-100.
  • Fidalgo, P., Santos, I. M. &. Thormann, J. (2017). College students’ preferences of instructional material formats. Scholars Bulletin, 2017, 3(1),1-12.
  • Santos, I. M., & Bocheco, O. (2016). Exploring BYOD Usage in the Classroom and Policies. International Journal of Information and Technology in Education,12(2), 51-61.
  • Santos, I. M., Ali, N. & Hill, A. (2016) Students as co-designers of a library virtual learning commons: Results of a collaborative action research. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42 (2016) 8–14.
  • Santos, I. M. (2013). Bring your own mobile devices to the classroom: the case of an undergraduate course. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 10(2).
  • Santos, I. M. & Ali, N. (2012). Beyond classroom: The uses of mobile phones by female students. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 8(2), 63-75.
  • Santos, I. M. & Ali, N. (2012). Exploring the uses of mobile phones to support informal learning. Education and Information Technologies Journal, 17(2), 187-203.
  • Crow, R., Santos, I., LeBaron J, McFadden, A. T. & Osborne, C. F. (2010). Switching gears: Moving from e-learning to m-learning. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning & Teaching, 6 (1) 268-278.
  • Santos, I. & Hammond, M. (2007). Learning community or community minded learning group? A case study of an online course. Journal of Internet Commerce, 6 (2), pp. 51 – 72.
  • Santos, I. & LeBaron, J. (2006). Ethical constraints in the valid interpretation of transcribed communication in online study. The Internet and Higher Education, 9 (3), 191-199.
  • LeBaron, J. & Santos, I. (2005). Authentic engagement of adult learners in online learning. Mountain Rise, 2 (1). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1234/mr.v2i1.49.

Books, Chapters in Books and Published Reports

  • Santos, I. M., Ali, N. & Areepattamannil, S. (Eds) (In Press). Interdisciplinary and international perspectives on 3D printing in education. Hershey, United States: IGI Global.

Book Chapters:

  • Santos, I. M. & Areepattamannil, S. (In Press). Gender differences in ICT literacy: ICT-related individual characteristics and enabling factors. In Dickson, M. et al. (Eds). Gender in STEM education in the Arab Gulf countries. Springer.
  • Santos, I. M., & Wu, W. (2022). Equity pedagogies for inclusive online classrooms in Higher Education. In S. Ramlall, T. Cross, & M. Love (Ed.). Handbook of research on future of work and education: Implications for curriculum delivery and work design (pp. 379-399). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8275-6.ch023
  • Santos I. M. (2020). BYOD in the classroom, opportunities, issues, and policies. In Tatnall A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10576-1_64
  • Formiga, M.M., De Araujo, M. M. & I. M. Santos (2019). Case illustrations of 3D printing in Brazilian schools and community. I.M. Santos et al. (Eds). Interdisciplinary and international perspectives on 3D printing in education (pp. 158-175). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7018-9.ch008
  • Santos, I. M., & Bocheco, O. (2017). University students' perceptions of personal mobile devices in the classroom and policies. In T. Issa, P. Kommers, T. Issa, P. Isais, T.B. Issa (Eds). Smart technology applications in business environments (pp. 303-320).GI Global.
  • Santos, I. M. (2017). Using their personal mobile devices in higher education: Review of research within the UAE context to inform practice. In L. Menano, & P. Fidalgo (Eds). Art & technology: The practice and influence of art and technology in education. Sense Publishers.
  • Santos, I. M. (2015). Mobile devices in higher education classrooms: Challenges and opportunities. In J. Keengwe (Eds). Promoting active learning through the integration of mobile and ubiquitous technologies (pp. 37-54). IGI Global.
  • Santos, I. M. (2014). Key challenges to consider before adopting students’ personal mobile devices in the higher education classroom. In L. Burke (Ed). Learning in a Digitalized Age: Plugged in, turned on, totally engaged? (pp.123-140). John Catt Educational.
  • Santos, I. M., Hammond, H., Durli, Z & Chou, S. (2009). Is There a Role for social networking sites in education? In T. Arthur; J. & Anthony (Eds). Education and technology for a better world (pp. 321-330). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 302. Springer.
  • Barbosa, R. & Santos, I. (2005). O uso de um fórum de discussão para desenvolver atividades colaborativas. In R. Barbosa (Ed.) Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (pp.155-167). Artmed
  • Santos, I. & Kotyk, P. (2002). What types of training and continuing support instructors need in order to successfully transition from traditional classroom to online environments? In O. Jambeiro & F. Ramos (Eds). Internet and Distance Education (pp. 195-213). EDUFBA.
  • Ramos, F. Caixinha, H. & Santos, I. (2002). Factores de sucesso e insucesso na utilização das TIC no ensino universitário - a experiência da Universidade de Aveiro. In O. Jambeiro & F. Ramos (Eds). Internet e Educação a Distância (pp. 185-194). EDUFBA.