ECAE’s commitment to excellence and higher standards in education is entrenched within the college’s vision, set values and strategic plan carefully devised to address the requirements of the educational sector within UAE.
FabLab ECAE will develop a digital fabrication infrastructure for learners at our Khalifa City campus. Currently, the pace at which technology develops is rapidly changing the world and people’s lives. FabLab provides the most up to date technologies, tools and programs in digital fabrication and the opportunity to collaborate and create.
We want to embrace the fantastic opportunities and take part in the exciting developments offered by the FabLab movement. FabLab ECAE will support inventors and innovators and participation in an environment that stimulates creative ideas, sharing and improving together to reach solutions.
Digital fabrication laboratory supports engineers, designers, educators, researchers, creative and innovative people in the exploration and investigation of innovative project researches including wood, metals, plastics and electronics.
FAB Academy 2025
FAB Academy 2025
Fab Academy is a remarkable digital fabrication program, spearheaded by Neil Gershenfeld from MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms, and deeply rooted in MIT's renowned course, "How to Make (Almost) Anything." Our focus at Fab Academy is on personal fabrication, enabling you to transform your ideas into tangible products.

FAB Academy 2021
FAB Academy 2021
The Continuing Education Centre at the Emirates College for Advanced Education has launched the “FAB Academy 2021” which is the first digital fabrication diploma program in Abu Dhabi certified by fab foundation that enables learners to envision, design and prototype projects to become active participants in the sustainability of cities and communities.
The Fab Academy Diploma, developed at MIT CenterforBits and Atoms, is an intensive course in Modern Digital Fabrication Technologies. The “How to Make (almost) Anything” course showcases mastery in computer aided design, 3D printing, computer-controlled machining processes, electronics design and a variety of software programming in the local and global community.

FABLAB Booking
FABLAB Booking
FabLab ECAE will develop a digital fabrication infrastructure for learners at our Khalifa City campus. Currently, the pace at which technology develops is rapidly changing the world and people’s lives. FabLab provides the most up to date technologies, tools and programs in digital fabrication and the opportunity to collaborate and create.
FABLAB ECAE is equipped with computer controlled (CNC) machines, including laser cutters, a 3-axis CNC router, 3D scanner, an ABS, PLA plastic 3D printers and a vinyl cutter for creating versatile 2D models on different materials such as vinyl, paper, copper sheets to make signs, indicators, T-shirt imprints, antennas and flex circuit and suite of electronic components and programming tools for low-cost, high-speed microcontrollers for on-site rapid circuit prototyping.