Level 9 Micro Credential (6 Credits)

Teaching and Technology Integration for Learning

EDUCMI01 Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (3 Credits, 45 Hours)

In this course, students will reflect in-depth on their current teaching practices, especially in terms of how effective they consider different aspects of their current practices are for promoting high quality learning among their students, and how their practices are influenced by prevailing curriculum and assessment guidelines and frameworks. They will reflect on what can be meant by high quality teaching and high-quality learning. Throughout the course, students’ reflections on teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment practices will be informed and deepened by insights and findings from national and international research literature. Students will engage critically with the following pedagogic innovations: metacognition, assessment for learning, dialogic teaching and pupil consultation. They will be encouraged to incorporate within their practice one or more of the listed innovations. They will consider the implications of these innovations for teaching, learning, assessment and curriculum development in their own professional contexts of practice. In these ways the course provides a practical focus for examining and understanding interrelationships among curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment.

EDUCMI03 Technology Integration into Teaching and Learning (3 Credits, 45 Hours)

This course is designed for teachers interested in developing innovative ways of integrating technology into classroom practice to support 21st-century learning. In this course, students will develop advanced, practical knowledge and skills for integrating a wide range of technology (including emerging technologies such as Robotics and AI), principles and frameworks to support innovation in classroom pedagogy and assessment in educational contexts. Students will be introduced to theoretical and practical frameworks underpinning effective technology integration in classroom lessons. Students will have the opportunity to research and critically analyze and evaluate innovations in classroom technology use through the application of different tools in different teaching and learning scenarios. In addition, students will research and critically evaluate innovations in the use of educational technology tools to effectively support equitable learning practices in different learning contexts. Finally, students will develop and apply highly specialized knowledge and skills necessary for planning and implementing innovations in the use of digital technologies in educational contexts of teaching and learning.

Admission Requirements

  • CGPA: Minimum 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • English Proficiency: IELTS 5.5 (or equivalent).

Contact Graduate Admission Office:

Recruitment Office:

Email: Student.Recruitment@ecae.ac.ae

Office: (+971) 02 5099838

Admissions Office:

Email: admissions@ecae.ac.ae

Office: (+971) 02 5099 833

Program Structure


EDUCMI01 Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (3 Credits, 45 Hours)

EDUCMI03 Technology Integration into Teaching and Learning (3 Credits, 45 Hours)